Friday, April 2, 2010

Show Us Your Life- Organization Tips

I have a lot of jewlery! I LOVE to excesorize!!!! So, what I do is I take just a regular coark board put the little tacks in them and hang the jewlery on the tacks! I have so much jewlery I have to use two coark boards but it is really great!!

Sorry that it is not a great picture but these DVD holders from Ikea work amazingly! I a lot movies and do not have any where to put them, so i just hang these racks on the wall and slide the DVDs on in! It also doesn't take up a lot of space which is great!

These bookshelves from Ikea are amazing! I use mine for shoes! I have sooo many shoes I run out of places to put them! So what I do is slide the bookshelf up against the wall and put the shoes in the little slots! I works great!!


  1. I LOVE the corkboard idea! And I also love those bookshelves from Ikea. Hmmm...I'm suddenly craving swedish meatballs...

    Thanks for sharing your tips!

  2. The coarkboards really do work great! You should definitly try them!! Ikea is my favorite furniture store!!

  3. Using the cork board is a great idea. The colorful jewelry adds a nice punch of color.

  4. We love Ikea!
    I love your tips.
    I have to be organized. We very busy and if I don't put appointments on the calendar well, it's not pretty.
    Today, I forgot that I had a doctor's appt on Wed. Ugh!
    Have a great weekend.

  5. I am ordering some bookshelves from Ikea tomorrow...I enjoyed my visit to your blog tonight. Your blog design is great..I am amazed at all the different creative ways of bloggers Hope you will stop by my blog.

    It only takes a comment to be entered in the giveaway on Sunday night. I will be giving away a $100 basket of goodies.
    We are also close to finishing my new design on my main blog and there will be some giveaways on that blog next week.
    Have a blessed Easter...

  6. Thank you for the tips! Have a wonderful Saturday!! Happy Easter!

  7. I love Ikea, but unfortunately I have none anywhere near me now. Its too bad because I could really use both those dvd shelves, and the bookshelves. But the necklace cork board I could make myself, and think its a great idea

  8. Using a corkboard as a jewelry holder is a great idea!


<>< *grace elizabeth* ><>